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Athena Georgiadis 

Fiction Writer

Welcome To My Portfolio

I'm a U.K based fiction writer with a keen interest in Game Design and the wonderful realms of fantasy world building.


Fern had only seen these sorts of forests in the vague memories of Mother Nature’s devotees. The deep dark nooks that seemed to envelop one’s mind if looked at for too long, the rough and unattended vines left to snag at the limbs of passers-by, it all seemed perfect, wild, as nature intended. The detritus blanketed the dead and decay that fed the thriving life above; Fern knelt down and crushed a leaf, the scattering remains catching the currents of the wind, leading her towards the mouth of a cave.

~ Metamorphosis

It is needless to say, that a life lived secluded is no life at all. The year is 327--post tech crash, and I watch as my saviour upends the rat race infesting this dome.

                   ~ W.I.P game

The wails of labor and a bulbous gut, a bedded woman contorting in peculiar ways – the existences beyond were indeed a puzzling concept. The spirits of Fairy Land gathered bearing witness to the gods fertility, though, a bedded woman had not appeared, and there were no such screams.

                            ~ Metamorphosis 

Leila had never thought that she would be introduced to a man triple her age.

According to her father--not only was this prospective partner a diligent and dutiful man, but also a high ranking official within the department of state affairs.

It's a shame his bulbous belly and thinning hair had not received the same praise as his previous accolades.

                            ~ Sol's Secret  


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+44 7869 604344

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